2428: Menopause and Mental Health: What to Know to Help Cli

2428:  Menopause and Mental Health: What to Know to Help Clients. This presentation will give social workers a general understanding of the biological changes that happen during perimenopause and menopause and how those changes impact mental health. We will discuss co-occurring disorders that may come up during menopause and how we can use our role as social workers and therapists to empower our clients to manage their physical and mental health.  Presented by: Kate Lufkin, MSW, DSW, LCSW-BACS. Member: $50 / Non-Member $85   3.00 Clinical. Pre-registration is required to be awarded CEU credit.



Cancellations must be submitted in writing and received  three days prior to the workshop.  An administrative fee of $15 will be deducted from the reimbursement.

Presenter Bio

Dr. Lufkin completed her Master’s in Social Work in 2006 and her Doctorate in Social Work in 2017, both at Tulane. Her current specialties are chronic pain and research, and she has previously worked in cancer care, HIV care and cancer cell research. She is also an adjunct instructor at Tulane University. Additionally, she has also worked as a clinical counselor for the US Navy and US Marine Corps. She lives in New Orleans.

8/23/2024 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Dept. of Children & Family Services 1450 Poydras Street, 7th Floor, Room 739 New Orleans 70112


Monday, 26 August 2024

8/26/2024 10:00 AM - 9/10/2024 11:59 PM
8/26/2024 10:00 AM

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